As a rather serious-minded person, I tend to be somewhat picky about the sources I turn to for news and opinion. Which is why I check in regularly on the Deutsche Welle News website, and keep both their Inside Europe and WorldLink podcasts in my podcast feed.

This past week, following their episode titled “The Greta Effect,” the DW editors slotted in an episode from one of their new podcasts: On the Green Fence – specifically the “Not Having Children to Save the World” episode which includes an interview with Verena Brunschweiger, author of the book Kinderfrei statt kinderlos: Ein Manifest (Child-free instead of Child-less; a Manifesto), in which the author makes her case for not having children as a method of trying to protect the environment.

This English language podcast, hosted by Neil King and Gabriel Borrud, examines environmental issues that are often described as contentious from the somewhat Everyman perspective of King and Borrud. The result is a collection of interviews and discussions that are fresh, unusually open, challengingly skeptical at times, and certainly provoking of further thought and conversation.

I’ve since added On the Green Fence to my podcast feed, and have already listened to another interesting episode, “The Big Bad Wolf is Back!” And as to “The Greta Effect,” I have finally been able to confirm that Ms. Thunberg’s No One is Too Small to Make a Difference, published this summer in the UK, will finally be published in the US in late November.