So there we were – taking a lunch break at the Soapstone Basin in the Wasatch National Forest during an all-day field trip at the ABA convention in Snowbird, Utah. Roaming through the camping area, someone discovered a giant, concrete, spring-mounted bird’s nest large enough to hold at least two or three people. Naturally, this being a birding trip and all, various combinations of those present wanted their pictures taken sitting in the nest. Just as one group, which included Leica birding professional Jeff Bouton, was finished with their photo sitting, Jeff spied a Peregrine Falcon flying overhead.

Spotting a Peregrine on the nest is one thing, but I truly believe that Jeff may now be the first person on record to have spotted a Peregrine from inside a nest. If this picture didn’t simply cry out “blog me!” then I seriously doubt any picture ever deserved to be blogged.