In his still-growing “To the Last Smoke” series, Stephen J. Pyne has ranged across North America with volumes dedicated to the history, dynamics, and management of wild land fires from California to Florida, and from the Northern Rockies to the Southwest and places in between. For any interested in learning more about how fires behave and affect these various regions, it is difficult to imagine more authoritative works to which one can turn.

But what if you’re interested in learning more about wild land fires in general? Well, with the publication of Here and There, a Fire Survey, Professor Pyne now has a volume in his series that provides a very accessible general overview of of wild land fires as well.

Structured as a series of essays, Here and There “moves the discussion of fire beyond the usual formations of science and policy within a national narrative to one of thoughtful interpretation, analysis, and commentary.” Indeed, this seems to be just the book to help open the subject up to anyone with an interest in learning more about wild land fires but didn’t quite know where to begin.