Whenever I travel, I not only like to take along a relevant field guide to at least one form of life to be found in the area to which my journey takes me, I also like to take along a book I’m considering for a review that has a subject related to my destination as I find that when I read a book “on site” I can often pick up subtle details in it that I might otherwise miss.

Florida Books

Thus as I’m off to Titusville, Florida for the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival this week, I’ve packed in my bag copies of Susan Cerulean‘s new book Coming to Pass; Florida’s Coastal Islands in a Gulf of Change from University of Georgia Press and American Birding Association Field Guide to the Birds of Florida by Bill Pranty and Brian E. Small from Scott & Nix Publishers.

With two unpleasantly long return flights on my journey home, I may just have full reviews of both these books completed by the time I arrive back home.